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The IMPACT Study is now closed and in its follow-up stage. If you are eligible, here are two affiliate studies you can join:
For people at risk for a precursor condition for multiple myeloma but have never been diagnosed. (African Americans and close family members have qualifying risks)
For people diagnosed with a precursor condition for multiple myeloma.
Already enrolled? PROMISE Dashboard Login / PCROWD Dashboard Login
Not enrolled? Both studies are welcoming new participants.
1. Join The PROMISE Study
The PROMISE Study is for healthy people with risks for multiple myeloma but who do not have the early warning signs (called precursor conditions.)
Who can join?
Black or African American Individuals age 40 - 75 years
– And / Or –
Close family members of anyone with multiple myeloma OR or a precursor condition, also 40 - 75 years of age.
Close family members are people of any race who have a parent, sibling, or child with:
Multiple myeloma OR one these related conditions:
2. Join The PCROWD Study
For anyone, age 18+, who has been diagnosed with a precursor condition for multiple myeloma.
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